This website was created in recognition of Sir C.P. Srivastava’s life as an honoured Indian civil servant, international administrator and diplomat, loving father and husband to Shri Mataji.
Throughout his life , Sir C.P. supported his wife Shri Mataji, in Her tireless worldwide spiritual teaching of Sahaja Yoga (meditation). He credits Her as the visionary who inspired him with Her purity, tremendous strength and encouragement, thus providing the foundation for his work.
Sir C.P. with his wife H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Learn more about Sahaja Yoga meditation:
- To learn more about H.H. Shri Mataji’s Sahaja Yoga meditation go to
- To locate a meditation centre in your country, go to:
- If you have any comments or questions about Sir C.P. or about this website, please contact us at [email protected]