Video Gallery

Portrait of a Living Legend

Highlights from the exceptional life of Sir C.P. Srivastava.


Speech at Sydney Meditation Program (2006)

A memorable occasion of wisdom and vision.

Speech at VIP Dinner Sydney (2006)

Sir C.P. addresses a special dinner at Burwood Sydney

A tribute – An extraordinary life (1920 – 2013)

Glimpses of Sir C.P.’s achievements and recognition.


Shri Mataji meeting Sir CP in 1946 and early days of Sahaja Yoga

Sir and Shri Mataji reminisce about early days.

Message for Sir CP’s Memorial

Various tributes to Sir C.P.

Tribute by Tolani Maritime Institute, India

A moving tribute by colleagues.


What I Have Seen: A Stress-Free Life

Sir C.P. Srivastava talks about Sahaja Yoga Meditation.

about Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Observations, support and encouragement.